I admit I haven’t read this yet and am just anticipating doing so, but Michell’s second novel has one of the most gripping, enticing summaries I’ve read in a long, long time: “At home in Seoul, former journalist Sae is waiting with two clingy toddlers for her husband to come home from work. He has never been this late before. Her children are crying, and Sae, exhausted and anxious, turns on the TV to distract herself. She clicks to the news, which shows a horrific disaster, the collapse of a massive skyscraper where Jae was an engineer. Minutes, then hours, and then days pass. No one has seen Jae, but things aren’t adding up. There are rumors that the foundation was unstable. Jae, who was working on a luxury pool at the top floor, was reported to have been working in the basement. The government was involved, the contractors missing.” She is “is troubled, terrified, and...suspicious,” and embarks on her own investigation.
I cannot wait to dive into this book on a lazy summer weekend afternoon—perhaps at the Rockaways, or perhaps in the comfort of my own cool living room. In any case, I expect to devour it in one sitting. —NBT
Out July 11. Buy it at Bookshop or Amazon.