Female Viagra Is Almost Here and Will Be Available as a Nasal Spray
LatestDespite a purported race among pharmaceutical companies to produce the first female Viagra, the progress in the field seems to be moving at a snail’s pace. In the 14 years since the erectile dysfunction drug hit the market, women with Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD) have basically had to deal with their partners’ more frequent and longer-lasting boners, which sounds really annoying for someone who has difficulty getting turned on. And while other companies toiled away at trying to develop a magic pill for FOD, it looks like success has finally come in the form of a nasal spray.
Tefina is a “bioadhesive intranasal low-dose gel formulation of testosterone” that gets sprayed up the nose and absorbed by the brain.The bonus of Tefina is that it has no androgen-related side effects like bad skin, body or facial hair or a deepened voice. Its benefits have yet to be proven but clinical trials have just opened up in Australia, Canada and the U.S.
The drug is directed to be used “as needed,” and the intention is that it will “increase in the occurrence of orgasm” for pre-menopausal women experiencing sexual dysfunction. We’ll have to wait until the clinical trial is over to see what kind of results Tefina yields, but previous research on some informal studies indicate that snorting drugs can often lead to fucking all night.
Image via Kirill Linnik/Shutterstock