At the End of the Day There's a New Les Miz Trailer


Fellow musical theater dorks, prepare to melt into a soupy puddle of tears and excitement. The release date for Les Miserables is just around the corner and — do you hear the people sing? — they’ve just put out the film’s second trailer. Where as in the first preview, we merely caught a glimpse of a Hugh Jackman and wobbly-lipped Anne Hathaway, this second one gives us a much better look with appearances by the Thénardiers (Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter are looking good) and Eponine, as well as soundbites from “Castle on a Cloud,” “I Dreamed a Dream” and (my personal Les Miz fav) “One Day More.” Oh, god. I think I just peed myself.

New Les Miz Trailer: Let’s Evaluate Every Actor! [Vulture]

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