Donald Trump Wins the Nevada GOP Caucuses


Donald Trump, a GOP presidential hopeful whose toupees gleam like they are woven from the finest of straw, has been declared the winner of the Nevada Republican caucuses, according the Associated Press.

Early results from entrance polls have singled out the entrepreneur and billionaire as the GOP front-runner at 44.4 percent, all thanks to the candidate’s overwhelming popularity in the state. Sources as far back as July 2015 have pointed to Trump’s popularity in the home state of the Las Vegas Strip, with a markedly strong fan-base from within Nevada’s Hispanic demographic, much to the chagrin of contenders Ted Cruz and Marc Rubio. (The fact that he owns the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas might also have something to do with it.)

Rubio has placed second at 24.5 percent, leaving Cruz in third at 20.9 percent, and Ben Carson at 6.2 percent.

As NPR noted, every candidate that has won caucuses in New Hampshire and South Carolina has gone on to score the GOP nom. Trump has claimed victory for both, so that’s great.

If you would like a testimonial re: Trump’s appeal from a state resident who is very much into flag-themed windbreakers, a video posted by CNN features one Republican Nevadan’s vision of a Trump-led state, which will “keep politically-correct people out and politically-incorrect people in,” because “being politically-correct is not right.” So we all have that to look forward to.

Images via Getty.

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