In Defense of the Camel Toe

"Designer vagina" surgery is thriving right now as the KarJenners et al try to force ultra-tight bodysuits down our throats. But why must vulvas be invisible?


Men’s rowing teams at the 2016 Olympics

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Men’s rowing teams at the 2016 Olympics
Photo: Getty

The 2016 Olympics in Rio were truly a time—just ask Ryan Lochte! Lest you forgot, it was around this time that the New York Post seemed to suggest complaints about sexist policing of women athletes’ uniforms were hypocritical because men’s rowing teams are dressed like... this. (Pictured above is the Australian men’s sculling team from that year. I think I’m starting to get why it’s called the Land Down Under!). Maybe the Post was on to something—maybe we’re just one good moose-knuckle-and-camel-toe-renaissance away from achieving a post-sexist, truly egalitarian society.

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