Leah Remini Is Producing a New TV Series About the 'Way Scientology Rips Apart Families'


Three years after leaving Scientology—and just eight months after releasing a memoir about her departure—Leah Remini is “shooting” a television series about the church and how it destroys families.

Tony Ortega, a journalist who has covered Scientology for decades and who appeared in the documentary Going Clear, reported the news on his blog on Monday morning, writing:

[The series is] about the way Scientology rips apart families, and is being produced by former Scientology celebrity Leah Remini…We’ve confirmed that Leah’s series is currently shooting footage, and appears to be on a fast track.

Ortega notes that Remini’s series is being developed by the same unnamed network that is currently developing another Scientology-centric show on which Ortega is acting as a consultant, which means two shows about Xenu’s love affair with David Miscavige could be headed to your television as early as this fall.

I’m assuming Remini’s will be entitled No, I Mean It, Where the Hell Is My Friend Shelly?

Image via Getty.

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