New True Blood Trailer Is Painted in Shades of Hurricane Katrina
LatestTrue Blood is set in a small, fictional town in Louisiana and many of the themes utilized by the show’s creators and writers have touched on fears of government and public hysteria brought on by uncontrollable catastrophe. Of course it’s no surprise to longtime fans that the symbolism to modern events is super obvious. In this trailer for season seven, homes spray painted with messages of desperation are featured, a clear callback to what went on in the days following Hurricane Katrina. A shot of a message that implores “FEMA HELP US” is seen while voice over opines a government that would “leave us for dead.” Producers are really throwing the subtle themes they’ve explored in past seasons right in your face. Like huge cricket bat in your face obvious.
But let’s forget all that for a moment and focus on what’s really important here: Will we see the ever-beautiful Alexander Skarsgard back as everyone’s favorite sex vampire Eric? Or will we just have to endure more boring, whiny rants from Bill about how much he needs “Soooooooookie.”