People Are Mad as Hell About Mayo Ketchup, as They Should Be
LatestHeinz Ketchup is currently experiencing more #engagement than most condiments can handle and it’s all because of a controversial new plan to do what other people have been doing since mayonnaise and ketchup were invented: mix ‘em together.
The Washington Post reports that tensions have been rising since the brand tweeted about putting “Mayochup” in stores if enough people vote yes to the project. Funnily, one of their voting options is “Nah, I’ll make my own,” but that hasn’t kept people from weighing in:
Accusations of cultural appropriation have popped up, as the mix is especially popular in Puerto Rico. But there is also an iteration that came out of Utah called Fry Sauce, which is already bottled:
And also Goya has a brand:
In their 2016 analysis of Fry Sauce, Eater delved into the history of the condiment, and all the places it’s appeared over the years by different names. A Nobel Prize scientist named Luis Federico Leloir supposedly invented “salsa golf” in the 1920s in Argentina, as a side sauce for prawns. The bottled version in Utah is attributed to a chef named Don Carlos Edwards who owned a barbecue restaurant in the 1940s in Salt Lake City. But it definitely seems to predate both Leloir and Edwards:
The condiment made a quick sweep through Central America, eastern Europe, the Balkan countries and a select few countries in the Middle East before the comparable thousand island dressing popped up in a New Orleans cookbook in 1900.
Whoever you think deserves credit for the paste you suck off french fries, I think we can all agree that most special sauces are just several other sauces mixed together.