R. Kelly Faces Prostitution Charges for Soliciting a Minor Who Asked Him for an Autograph

R. Kelly Faces Prostitution Charges for Soliciting a Minor Who Asked Him for an Autograph

R. Kelly is facing prostitution charges in Minnesota for allegedly soliciting a minor who asked for his autograph in 2001, the BBC reports.

According to NBC News, he faces one count of engaging in prostitution with a minor and one count of soliciting a minor for sexual purposes. The woman in question was 17 in 2001, and was allegedly offered $200 to dance in the nude for Kelly, who proceeded to touch her “all over her body,” according to a statement from the The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office.

Kelly, who is currently being held without bail at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago, is now facing criminal proceedings in three states: in Illinois, where he was arrested last month on a 13-count federal grand jury indictment including charges of child porn, enticement of a minor, and obstruction of justice; in New York, where he is scheduled to be arraigned on racketeering and sex crime charges in federal court later this month; and now Minnesota.

R. Kelly has pleaded not guilty to all charges. He is scheduled to return to court in Chicago on September 4.

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