The Daily Show Is Auctioning Off The 'Sexy Vagina' Costume For Charity
LatestLast week, Kristen Schaal made everyone pee a little with her hilarious Daily Show spot on the logical evolution of sexy Halloween costumes (as well as her accusation that Jon Stewart “fucks pizzas”). And now, TDS is auctioning off the gorgeous yet somewhat disturbing centerpiece of that segment — the “sexy vagina” costume — for charity.
You have to log in to view the Sexy Vagina’s listing on eBay, because apparently vaginas are for ADULTS even though babies, like, come out of them (BUT I DIGRESS), but here’s most of the listing for those of us who don’t have jobs that require them to look at NSFW content all day,
If you’re looking for that perfect outfit that will really upset your dad, this is the one!
**Purchaser is required to tweet The Daily Show a photo of themselves wearing the costume on Halloween while eating a slice of pizza.
One size fits most.
Anatomically correct, but not to scale.
Slips on and off. Warm. Feels like home.
Pairs well with giant penis costume. Or another vagina costume – we don’t judge.
Available only in pink.
Ample pockets for storing keys, phone, or all the phone numbers you’re gonna get for looking super-sexy!
May be unsuitable for homes with children or animals.
Inspired by Georgia O’Keefe because, you know, vaginas 😉
Includes Certificate of Authenticity from The Daily Show.
Includes optional pizza accessory.
DISCLAIMER: This is a one-of-a-kind, custom-made costume. Delicate. Handle with care. Not intended for frequent use or prolonged wear. Also, please don’t try to screw it.
So far, only 18 people have bid on the item, which will remain up for grabs on eBay until the end of the day on Halloween. So get on it, you child-free graduate degree-brandishing skanks with your fancy jobs and your disposable income and your sinful hedonistic lifestyles — by now there should be a bidding war between at least a dozen of you.