The animated series, created by Bojack Horseman supervising producer Lisa Hanawalt, stars flirting expert Tiffany Haddish and professional queefer Ali Wong as the voices of two thirty-something birds. The plot revolves around the friendship between Tuca (Haddish), an outgoing toucan, and Bertie, an anxious, introverted songbird. As bird-friends, Wong and Haddish navigate dating, nightlife, and horniness.
“In a lot of ways, it kind of does mirror us,” says Wong. “Tiffany’s out there and about and she’s fun and not repressed, and I’m kind of a recluse and I’m a homebody.” As birds, they’re free to get infinitely weirder, raunchier, and grosser than in their stand-up acts, though. According to Wong, the show is “so much weirder and funnier” than what she expected.
In the video above, a trailer featuring scenes from production, Haddish explains, “This project came about through a phone call to a friend to another friend from another friend to a friend that called my people, my people called me, and then I had said, ‘Whaaat,’ and then they like, ‘Yup,’ and I was like, ‘Let me read it.’ Then I was like, ‘Ooh I like this,’ and then we came and table read. That’s it.”
The series premieres May 3 on Netflix.