10 Things You May Have Missed On TV This Week


In this week’s compilation of pop culture crap, Wendy Williams airs out her vagina, Snooki shares an embarrassing high school memory, and some chicks on Fox News have a “catfight.”

1.) Wendy Williams spent the last few weeks airing out her sweaty vagina and eating fast food.
That’s exactly my idea of a great vacation.

2.) Snooki’s embarrassing high school story.
I love that it involves a four-wheeler, her boobs, an anal sex rumor, and lots of “frickin’.”

3.) Fox News’ “catfight.”
Despite the fact that these women are debating an actual serious political issue—albeit Fox News-style—it still was referred to by the media as a “catfight.” But that’s probably because women never have heated conversations unless one of the girls is totally jealous of the other one for being prettier. Still though, all kidding aside, you should watch this entire clip because Megyn Kelly is such an asshole.

4.) Speaking of assholes…
Laura Ingrahm is one. Although that didn’t stop Joy from laughing at her own jokes.

5.) Kourtney Kardashian starves herself for her post-baby bikini shoot.
This week on Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami, Kourtney was preparing for her “super-fast weight loss” post baby, bikini clad cover of Life & Style. So how did she do it? She starved herself and compulsively exercised until she passed out and the ambulance was called. And you can get a body just like hers! (If you stop being such a lazy lard ass.)

6.) Kourtney Kardashian’s trainer
Seriously, WTF? I honestly cannot tell if this is a super juiced up woman, or a super juiced up feminine man.

7.) Sex education for kindergarten kids
I feel like a five-year-old when hearing this guy say the names of private parts on TV because I can’t stop laughing. Also, are they really gonna teach 5th graders about anal penetration? Because if so, sign me up. I never really got the hang of it.

8.) Lady addicted to PCP for 25 years.
How fucked up is it that I love to watch Intervention when I’m stoned? Space boots!

9.) She’s also a terrible hooker.
When people confuse your whoring for panhandling, you’re doing it wrong.

10.) 91-year-old put 562,000 miles on her 46-year-old car.
I love little old lady shit so much.

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