American-Woman Hater Possibly The Worst Person We've Encountered


After we highlighted the “boycott American women” campaign, a reader wrote in to alert me to another, more alarming iteration. She described it as “downright psychopathic.” She was right. In fact, after visiting this site, one might need a shower.

While we’re courting more incoherent trolling by furious losers, the tipster was absolutely right: “Roosh” deserves to be exposed. He’s another guy who spends his days railing against American women, but that’s just a start. In fact, “psychopathic” was almost putting it too mildly. Quite frankly, he’s the worst person we’ve come across in a very, very long time. Here’s an example from a recent post:

If a Puerto Rican girl likes me, she’d invite me to her home to bake a dish from her country that she suspects I might like. An American girl will offer me her Chipotle leftovers or make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, untoasted. Do I need a girl to cook delicious food for me? No. I don’t need a girl to do anything but spread her legs, but these optional things hit the provider buttons of my brain, telling me that I can put more effort and investment into the girl. They tell me to take a short break from the game and enjoy at least a little bit of time with this new person…Grab a random man off an American street. Take away the penis, broad shoulders, and body hair. Add breasts, a crotch hole stingy with its lubrication, and a tendency for inane chatter that is insignificant to all forms of life two minutes after it’s uttered. You have an American woman. I’m not attempting to be funny: I sincerely cannot feel the difference between the men and women of this country once you take away the clothing and hair. Men look and act like fags while women act like men of yesterday, all to make a lot of money in an office park that contains a Starbucks. If you draw a venn diagram of both genders the circles might as well completely overlap. My expectations with women here are so low that going out with one is like spending time with my 7-year-old brother: as long as she doesn’t piss her pants and embarrass me in public, the date was a great success.

Oh, and you guys who haven’t gotten with the program? “The man who doesn’t mind American women is cold and disconnected himself, hopelessly confused about his masculinity and his place in the world. I’d be an easy cheap shot for me to say ‘they deserve each other,’ but the truth is no one else wants them.”

If it weren’t so revolting, it would just be sad. And what’s alarming is that this guy is more organized than the campaign-of-four and seems to have at least a couple of acolytes. Roosh has self-published books and a newsletter. Want to know more?

I am 31-years-old and grew up in Maryland, USA. My birthday is on Flag Day, a national holiday. After I graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in microbiology, I began a career as an industrial microbiologist. A couple years later I started a local blog called DC Bachelor, and lived in constant paranoia that my employer would bust me for the sexist content. Eventually I changed the name to Roosh V because I no longer cared about getting fired. Six years into my career, and a little over two years after I started DC Bachelor, I quit my job and finished my first book called Bang, a textbook for picking up girls and getting laid. Afterwards I spent six rough months in South America, which I detailed in my second book called A Dead Bat In Paraguay. I rested in the States for a year then went back to South America for thirteen months. I then finished my third book called Bang Colombia, about how to get laid in Colombia.

And, yes, there are videos. In case you thought he couldn’t get more despicable, watch this. On the one hand, you need to watch it to understand the truly hateful nature of this guy’s “work.” On the other, it’s really awful.

Image via Shutterstock.

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