Amy's Batshit Baking Company Wants You to Buy Hideous Merchandise
LatestThe idiots at Amy’s Baking Company are cashing in on their asshole natures and selling shirts that reference how they became famous for being jerks, with phrases of them like “Here’s Your Pizza, Go F**K Yourself!” (They put those asterisks in, I have no problem writing that word out.)
The $30 shirts and $25 hats seems to indicate that owners Samy and Amy Bouzaglo understand that since the internet has brought them fame, it’s important that they cash in on the viral nature of their douchiness. According to the Daily Dot, “The company claims a portion of all their sales will go to help the victims and families of firefighters lost in a spring lightning fire.” You can purchase one of these collector’s items that will one day prompt quizzical stares from your offspring, followed by the question “What is that hideous thing?” at Amy’s Baking Company’s website.
[via Daily Dot]
Images via Amy’s Baking Company