An Anonymous Sephora Employee Is Here to Answer Your Questions
In DepthIf we had a dollar for every email we get asking, “I have a Sephora gift certificate. What should I spend it on?” we’d have a lot more money to spend at Sephora. Right? Am I right, ladieees? But for real, this is something that comes up all the time: out of the million products at Sephora, which ones are worth it and which are garbage? Are we using this stuff correctly? What is a lie and what is the truth and where should our hard-earned dollars go?
A few weeks ago we received a miraculous email out of the clear blue sky from an anonymous Sephora salesperson. She told us she’d like to spill the beans about everything you can find there — the good, the meh and the nasty. We said, “Hell yes.” Welcome her, won’t you? TheSephoricate is waiting for your questions right down there in the comments. She’ll stick around until 3 p.m. EST today, so jump on it.
UPDATE: Questions are now closed. Thanks, everyone!
Illustration by Tara Jacoby.