Bill O'Reilly Thinks Internet Killed The Talk Radio Star


Bill O’Reilly was on The View today, where he admitted that the only thing he hates more than Sean Penn, are “far left” blogs, and insisted that Twitter decreases the popularity of talk radio shows.

Having just gotten a Twitter account this weekend, Elisabeth Hasselbeck was offended by his comment that people updating their friends, via the internet, on mundane aspects of their lives, isn’t contributing to their own mental advancement. (But somehow talk radio does?) Anyway, Hasselbeck went after him, but really, I think she was just annoyed at him because she thought she had a conservative ally in O’Reilly, and wanted him to agree with her that President Obama’s “Special Olympics” comment on The Tonight Show was glossed over by the liberal media. But Bill said that it’s not an important political issue and he doesn’t care.

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