Bristol Palin Gives Sherri Shepherd Abstinence Advice


Today on The View, Sherri Shepherd asked Bristol Palin how she planned to reconcile abstinence with “raging hormones.” Bristol’s answer was sort of equivocal — unlike her views on her mom’s presidential hopes.

Palin told Shepherd — who’s talked about her own abstinence in the past — that her experience of being a teen mom was enough to keep her from sex. Her recent PSA for the Candie’s Foundation aimed to use this experience to dissuade other teens from sex as well — although she did say earlier in her View appearance that the Foundation doesn’t have an abstinence-only focus. Regardless, Palin didn’t offer any concrete tips on avoiding sex, or a real analysis of why teens should choose abstinence over contraception. She was much more definite on the topic of her mom’s future. She thinks a Sarah Palin presidency would be “awesome” — which is not the word we’d use.

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