BU Alum Takes Down All-Powerful Feminism


Former teacher and current socioeconomic expert Suzanne Venker has teamed up with her aunt — none other than Phyllis Schlafly — to explain to everyone how feminists rule the world and are totally fucking it up. She recently promoted her upcoming book took up the cause of truth via an interview with BU Today, a publication out of her alma mater. Below, some choice quotes.

On her audience

The biggest focus is on young women in their 20s and 30s, which doesn’t mean that women in their 40s can’t get a tremendous amount out of it, or everybody, male and female, 18 to 50. But the younger age group isn’t getting an alternative perspective on these issues; that really is the kicker. Where are women going to get this information?

Surely not from their elected officials or from columnists for major newspapers.

On domestic violence

Awareness of battered women? That would be like what I said about the workforce. It looks like a gain at the outset, and awareness is great. But now the policies that have increased awareness-the solution-have become the problem. The abuse problem is smaller than it’s made out to be, and when you draw attention to something that’s so terrible, it’s like the issue of homosexuality today. The awareness that gays exist, or that terrible men beat their wives, is good to recognize but not to belabor or exaggerate. It’s almost as if every man is a potential abuser or every man is gay.

Which would be, like, the same. Also:

the only thing I would say about that is that increasing awareness [of domestic violence] and having more monies going toward a problem may be a fine thing, but it may get us off track. Maybe it helps one situation and worsens another.

It is unclear what situation is worsened by offering help to abuse victims.

On feminism and women’s life choices

How many women choose not to get married and have children? I guess it’s nice that there’s acceptance, but we shouldn’t be more focused on this group. By making this small percentage feel better about their choices, there are ramifications for the rest. Why would you have a whole movement to make women feel better about not choosing to have children?

Childless women, gay people, domestic abusers — sure, maybe a few of them exist somewhere, but it’s probably better if we don’t talk about them.

On her antifeminist awakening

What Phyllis provided for me, really, was an opportunity to look at an alternative view of women in America. Everyone had this one view, feminism, and I had this aunt who provided a different perspective; I liken it to being exposed to Fox News and the internet rather than just mainstream media.

On how awesome it must be to be a feminist

In the book we talk about how it has been easy for feminists to have done what they did; for one thing, they have the most power in America

I’d write more about this, but I have to go back to exercising my enormous power to push my childlessness agenda through state and national legislatures. Oh, wait.

BU Alum Assails Feminism As “Dead-End Road” [BU Today]

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