California Investigating Octuplets Case


All week, people have been debating whether implanting Nadya Suleman with eight embryos was in violation of medical ethics and standards, and now the Californial Medical Board has launched an investigation to find out.

Though how and where Suleman received fertility treatments is still unknown, the California Medical Board is investigating “to see if we can substantiate a violation of the standard of care” in their implantation. “It’s not good medicine. It’s really something that should be critiqued and condemned,” says fertility specialist Dr. Mark Surrey. Suleman was once a psychiatric technician at a California state hospital, but she has been unemployed since 2001. It was discovered yesterday that Suleman filed two workman’s compensation claims while working at the hospital, and her mother said that’s how she paid for the fertility treatments. Court documents also show that Suleman was once married and only officially divorced a year ago. The records list the couple as having no children. [CBS News]

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