Chelsea Handler Uses 12 Years a Slave to Plug Uganda Be Kidding Me
LatestWhile the rest of us were rejoicing for 12 Years a Slave’s wins for Best Supporting Actress and Best Picture, Chelsea Handler was benefitting from the good news to promote Uganda Be Kidding Me, a schtick-y travelogue.
To make things even more confusing, these tweets came from the Huffington Post Twitter account, which just added to the Why? of it all.
After Lupita Nyong’o’s win:
And after Best Picture:
Some angry tweets in response:
Sounds like Ms. Handler, right? But why was The Huffington Post seemingly tweeting these alienating jokes on her behalf? It seems like HuffPo let her run their Twitter for the night, though who knows for sure. What’s clear is besides those head-shaking 12 Years a Slave tweets, HuffPo followers were treated to a bunch of other jokes that happened to be in that trademark racist/hacky Handler style.
The capper?
You forgot the #notsorry part, Chelsea!
Image via Getty.