CNN Writer Says Kamala Harris Incident Was NBD Because She's OK With Compliments On Own Beauty


Roxanne Jones, former vice president of ESPN and current CNN opinion columnist, has joined the ranks of Fox and Friends’ Gretchen Carlson to opine that we should all just lighten the fuq up about Obama’s momentary, casual praising of California Attorney General Kamala Harris’s physical assets as well as her intellectual ones.

The President was immediately way sorry for the snafu, and it was genuine, and totally accepted, and everything would be fine now, if only we didn’t have people coming of the woodwork and saying that the whole thing was an overreaction. Cause, well, it wasn’t.

Jones argues that President Obama, with his many nods to women during his time in office, is allowed to give a “lighthearted” nod to Harris’s attractive appearance. Jones, meanwhile chooses to field what sounds like her constant barrage of catcalls in the workplace with a laissez-faire attitude.

Throughout my career, I’ve had to learn how to deal with men, and a few women, who made it a point to always comment on my looks. […] Here’s an example: One night, while I was working late in the office editing on deadline, a male co-worker stumbled into my cubicle in a drunken stupor, he slung himself on my desk and leaned into me, slurring: “Roxanne, you’re so beautiful. Seriously, I’ve been watching you. … Why don’t you pay attention to me?”

The man was reported by a (male) colleague. But Jones’ other example is when a sober co-worker said she looked like Tyra Banks this one time:

On another occasion, a senior executive speaking at an employee “town hall” meeting at work, pointed me out for a professional accomplishment, and then added: “Hey, Roxanne looks like that woman on the show, ‘The Next Top Model.'”
Sure, I knew immediately that the comment was a little awkward. But I was in no way offended. And I did not want the executive, who had always been a champion for women in the workplace, to get any backlash for his comment. He didn’t deserve the criticism.

I mean, sure? But Jones fails to acknowledge that it’s not like it goes both ways. Nobody’s like “Yeah, Attorney General Eric Holder’s tough, independent, knows the law in and out from white-collar crime to counter-terrorism, and he’s got an ass you can fry an egg on. JUST KIDDING! NOT KIDDING THOUGH REALLY.”

Not to mention she totally Regina George-s/Samantha Brick-s out on us. Other women are the real problem here. Because they’re jealous.

Honestly, when he made that comment I was more worried that my female colleagues would be angry with me. Women might not want to admit this but we often hate women who look good, are smart and successful.

Yep, we’ve all got a big lesbian crush on you.

‘Obama comment sexist? I call it a compliment’ [CNN]

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