Comment Of The Day: DSK Is On To Us, Ladies


According to Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s lawyer, the rape allegations made by writer Tristiane Banon are “a figment of [Banon’s] own imagination.” ScoopyChip says:

I don’t know about you guys, but as a woman, I sure like to sit around all day and plot false rape accusations. Something about the idea of being publicly slut-shamed and victim-blamed really sounds like fun.
Oh women, out to get the poor menz.

OriginalCajun says:

I schedule my false rape claims for right after lunch. That way I’m not hungry while talking to the man-hating justice force of the matriarchy (aka the police).

ScoopyChip replies:

That’s what I’ve been doing wrong! I always do mine first thing in the morning so that I seem extra-cranky and unreliable.

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