Coupon Hoarder Insists She's Not A Hoarder


It’s obvious why April, who was featured on Extreme Couponing last night, wants to save money at the grocery store: She has seven teenagers at home. But the fact that she has a stockpile — thousands of products in her “bunker” — means she hoards. Making her a hoarder. Oh, she says she’s not a hoarder: “Hoarders have dust.” But come on. You’re hoarding, April! You are hoarding.

When we last discussed this show about six months ago, many were horrified at how the ladies seemed greedy and self-centered. This time around, TLC picked some couponers who are also do-gooders.

See, even though April paid only $31.61 for $1,146.13 worth of stuff — and spent two hours at the register, where 300 of her coupons had to be keyed in by hand — she feeds 200 people at her church every Sunday. She says, “Couponing is the ability to help others.” Okay?

We also met Erin, who applied her extreme couponing skills to feeding the guests at her sister’s wedding, which actually seems like a good idea.

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