Dastardly Mosquitos Could Successfully Send Lindsay Lohan Back to Jail


The mosquitos have won. They’ve ruined the outdoors. They’ve ruined lives. And now they’re targeting Lindsay Lohan, not just through sickness, but with jail time.

Lohan, who was diagnosed with Chikungunya, an incurable mosquito-transmitted virus, after a trip to Bora Bora, claims her illness has prevented her from completing the 240 hours of community service required of her by LA courts following her reckless driving case in 2012. Seems valid, especially considering that she had ONLY two years to complete the hours prior to her diagnosis. SURELY you can’t judge her for that, can you? CAN YOU?

Maybe you can, you heartless monster, but at least hear out her whole story:

In November of 2014, Lindsay Lohan was due in court to prove that she had completed her community service hours. Turns out, she’d had completed less than half (UNDERSTANDABLE), so the judge, treating her as they’d treat any normal person, gave her an additionally week and permission to do the community service from London where she was working at the time.

She didn’t do it. Instead, she went to Bora Bora, probably with a SUPER GREAT REASON, and got bitten by a bunch of mosquitos who were hell-bent on ruining her hitherto UNBLEMISHED record with the law. If you want even more of a reason as to why Lohan is NOT AT FAULT for falling short on her hours, the London community service center was closed when she skipped town and, like, what do you expect her to do? Tell the courts that in advance? Do you work for the big mosquito lobby or something? Because it sounds like you do.

Lohan is expected to prove the completion of her hours in court next Wednesday. Unfortunately, thanks in part to her recent Chikungunya-fueled hospital stay, she is still nowhere close and failure to complete could, according to TMZ, result in her going to jail.

That is unless a brave judge decides to take a stand against Big Mosquito once and for all and cut LL a break.

Image via Getty.

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