Did Michele Bachmann Say They Should Drill The Everglades? 'Cause She Meant To Say They Should Drill Responsibly
LatestEven if you don’t agree with Michele Bachmann’s politics, she’d still like to remind you that a vote for Bachmann is a vote for $2 gas —okay, it’s no “Pick Flick” but what is?— and her plans to achieve this goal involve “an all-of-the-above energy strategy.”
Bachmann, who has criticized Obama for “foiling domestic energy production” —I mean, seriously. Why can’t he fix these problems in under four years when Michele Bachmann is positive she’d be on that in two seconds flat?— recently suggested they “drill the Everglades” but now claims that’s not what she meant at all.
Bachmann also addressed her previous statement about drilling in the Everglades, emphasizing that her key word was “responsibly.” “I didn’t say we should drill in the Everglades. What I said-because we know that thousands of Floridians receive their drinking water from the Everglades-what I said is that we need to open up resources across the United States of America, but do it responsibly, because we need to make sure that of course we need to make sure that we don’t do anything that has degradation for habitat or for drinking water or for air quality.”
Aaaand my brain hurts again.
Bachmann Again Vows $2 Gas [Newser]
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