Donald Trump Might Pardon More People From Kim Kardashian's List and Jeff Sessions Is Mad 


Donald Trump, who has discovered the joys of pardoning bad men—and, on the rare occasion, at the behest of Kim Kardashian, showing actual humanity to a woman serving an unjust sentence—may soon extend pardons to more people on Kardashian’s list at the urging of his son-in-law and Middle East peacemaker Jared Kushner.

CNN’s Van Jones, who supports Kushner’s prison reform initiatives and apparently chats with Kushner quote often, told Vanity Fair that “Trump was pleasantly surprised” by the positive media coverage of his decision to pardon Alice Johnson. “I hope the president feels encouraged to do more,” Jones said.

Vanity Fair reports that Kushner is, according to one Trump adviser, “obsessed” with Jones and pushing daddy-in-law to pardon more people with a list sourced by Kardashian. What a world.

From Vanity Fair:

One person who recently spoke with Kushner said the president’s son-in-law is gearing up for a big pardon push. The source said Kardashian gave Kushner a list of people to pardon, some of whom are hip-hop artists. “They’re going to be pardoning a lot of people—pardons that even Obama wouldn’t do,” the person said.

The true star of this teenage drama unfolding at the White House, however, is not Jones, Kushner, or Kardashian. It is racist Weeble Jeff Sessions, whose diligent efforts to turn the Department of Justice into a racist cudgel with which to break down women and people of color have apparently not been enough to stay in Trump’s good graces. According to one source, the overshadowed Sessions “hate, hate, hates” the super weird friendship between Kushner and Jones.

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