FSU Star Says the Only Thing As Bad As Rape Is Being Accused Of Rape


Jameis Winston is a victim: a victim of being accused of rape, according to him. The Florida State University football star, who was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow student in 2012, maintained his innocence in a student conduct hearing this week before the Florida Supreme Court, reading from a statement in his defense.

“Rape is a vicious crime. The only thing as vicious as rape is falsely accusing someone of rape,” Winston said in the statement.

Through the aforementioned statement, Winston continued to testify that he and his accuser had consensual sex, which he detailed during his testimony (via ESPN).

There is an American history of black men being accused of sexual assault as a racist excuse to lynch, shoot or choke them because they are all “black bucks,” however, that does not seem to be Winston’s problem. Despite his attempt to tap into that old racist chestnut, the case surrounding this student athlete’s case swung in the opposite direction as the local Tallahassee police bungled the investigation into his accuser’s story so badly that they just didn’t bother to do their jobs. That case is emblematic of why FSU is being investigated for Title IX violations by the Florida State Supreme Court, among other things, and the woman who accused Winston has been pushing through these proceedings for two years.

We all know what happens to women who accuse men of rape, let alone those who accuse the star player of a nationally ranked school in a state like Florida where college football is akin to the NFL. Winston’s lawyer has even repeatedly released Winston’s accuser’s name on Twitter and elsewhere, which is unacceptable. So, who’s the real victim?

Image via AP.

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