On Friday, Gloria Steinem spoke at Simmons College in Boston 40 years after the school gave her a doctorate in human justice. Mostly, Steinem talked about feminism and how more people should avail themselves of a dictionary before they profess themselves to not be feminists, but, as fancy speaking engagements usually do, the conversation turned towards television.
Gloria Steinem, as it just so happens, does not care for any of the Real Housewives shows, not even the one set to air in 2022, Real Housewives…FROM MARS!!!. She told the audience at Simmons, “I think the worst [shows] are the ‘Housewives’ shows, because they present women as rich, pampered, dependent and hateful towards each other,” adding that she liked musical variety shows because they “at least show a variety of people,” and not just a smattering of white women with different makeup configurations.
Speaking of Girls, Steinem said that although she’d only seen a few episodes, she could cautiously call herself a fan:
I only saw the first couple episodes of Girls, so I can’t speak to all of it, but I think it was much more realistic as to how girls look and dress and talk, and that all sex is not wonderful. Some of it is silly and boring. It felt much more realistic to me.
Silly and boring pretty much sums up life. Well, for normies, anyway — Gloria Steinem is an exceptional human with a pressing engagement to go safeguard some stranger’s intrinsic rights. Have fun watching all that TV, lepton.