Jim Carrey Continues To Blame Elin Nordegren, Women In General, On Twitter


As mentioned earlier this morning in Dirt Bag, Jim Carrey has made it a personal mission of sorts to let the world know that Tiger Woods should be forgiven for his infidelities, while his wife, Elin Nordegren, should be blamed:

Carrey began his obnoxiously emoticon-filled rampage last night, admitting that he felt bad about making a Tiger Woods joke after hearing Masters’ chairman Billy Payne’s speech slamming Woods’ behavior:

I made a Tiger joke today, but after listening 2 Payne’s speech I think it’s time we checked our collective EGO and let the guy play! d;^

Later, Carrey and his band of keyboard faces returned to muse on everything from poor ol’ Tiger’s background “2 please his father he gave up his childhood and his freedom in the world,” (PROJECTION ALERT!) and Elin’s “willing” participation in Tiger’s affairs:

No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)

Roughly an hour ago, Carrey updated yet again, blaming Nordegren, yet AGAIN, for her willingness to engage in poor-sad-let’s-leave-Tiger-alone’s sexcapades, responding to a woman named Gail, who called Carrey a “creep” and noted that Elin was home with her children by posting this gem:

That’s a cop out, Gail. No woman just stays at home with the kids anymore. Tiger was wrong and Elin was ignoring the obvious ;^)

Carrey is quickly becoming one of those celebrities who takes 25 years of public relations and flushes them down the toilet via “real talk” on Twitter. He apparently feels it’s necessary not only to comment on the Woods situation, but to blame Woods wife and make sweeping generalizations about women in general, projecting perhaps his own personal views on marriage (and the motivations of women, for that matter) to the world at large. Naturally, he has a defense for his views, and against those who are taking shots at poor, poor Tiger Woods:

Whenever we form a consensus about some1 we envy, who’s stumbling, our collective ego LOVES to flex it’s unified muscle! S’ugly! }%^O

In other words, check YOUR egos, y’all. You’re just jealous. And women are to blame for everything. Love, Jim Carrey. 8===D

Jim Carrey [Twitter]
Billy Payne Disappointed In Tiger Woods’ “Egregious” Behavior [WashingtonPost]

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