Jon Stewart: "Jezebel Thinks I'm A Sexist Prick"
LatestHi Jon! Thanks for the shoutout. But do we think you’re “a sexist prick”? It depends.
But seriously, the intent of our reported piece on the experience of women — especially female correspondents — on the show wasn’t to tear down Stewart personally. (Jon, my mom loves you. I love you! With reservations. Because you are the executive producer and responsible for what goes on there, or doesn’t.)
We did, however, talk to as many people with direct experience of the show as we could to find out why it’s been seven years since they’ve had a new female correspondent, and why there are rarely female writers behind the scenes. By the way, thanks to Helen Mirren last night, the show has now had 66 men as guests this year, compared to 14 women. (I think, anyhow. Math is hard!)
Some of the conversation since the piece came out has given new meaning to the term “mansplaining.” To recap: women aren’t funny, get a sense of humor, get over it and leave my sacred cow alone. But some of it has been pretty enlightening. We’ve heard from writers and correspondents who have worked on the show or tried out for it and saw some parallels with their own experience, and we’ve seen readers and viewers examining their assumptions of what an inclusive or diverse — and creative — workplace means.
Here’s hoping that behind the scenes, Stewart and his crew are doing more of the latter, since they’re clearly reading. So far, last night’s tiny mention is all we have to go on.
Earlier: The Daily Show‘s Woman Problem
Five Unconvincing Excuses For Daily Show Sexism