Launch Me into the Sun: Weekly Horoscopes for the Aries New Moon

This week, we’ve got Chiron pouring some salt in your wounds and Saturn giving the boot to toxic masculinity traits (ahem, Will Smith.)

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Greetings, Earthlings, and welcome back to your weekly astro update! We’ve got a zesty new moon in Aries coming up on March 31 or April 1 (depending on your time zone). New moon, new me, amirite? New moons are about new beginnings, and this one is the first after the astrological new year on the spring equinox, setting the tone for the year. Unfortunately, that tone is less Cadbury bunny and daffodils and more brutal death and resurrection cycles. That’s because we’ve got Chiron pouring salt in all your unhealed wounds, and I’m not talking about your mild to moderate man flu, either.

Have you guys met Chiron? No? He’s the celestial body you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with at a party. He loves to dredge up a bunch of really uncomfortable shit you’d rather pretend wasn’t there. Chiron can bring up our core wound, the shit we’ve carried around since childhood – abandonment, rejection, lack of self value, all that jam. But he has a good heart, and he’s doing it because he wants you to feel it to heal it. You can’t make progress on your healing if you don’t acknowledge what’s down there first. A lot of things about ourselves can be a lot less scary if we’re willing to stop ignoring them.

The stars are also pointing to big changes around the corner. Not only do we have a once-in-a-lifetime Jupiter-Neptune waltz in Pisces coming up on April 12th, inviting us to settle into our new cosmic neighborhood, we’re also getting ready for an action-packed eclipse season starting at the end of the month. More on that next week. In the meantime, in the immortal words of Ms. Erykah Badu, pack light.

Last week, Venus, the planet of love, money and relationships, got her performance review from Saturn. Now, it’s her boyfriend Mars’ turn. Mars represents our masculine energies and Venus, our feminine (remember, no matter what kind of body you’re in, we all have some of each.) If we’re still relying on old toxic templates to project masculinity (*cough* Will Smith *cough*) Saturn will be quick to check us when he circles back with Mars in Aquarius on April 4. But if we’re ready to use our masculine energy instead to fuel the next move for our new, authentic selves, Saturn will give us the green light. It also helps that we’ve got communication planet Mercury emerging from the Pisces confusion soup and into Aries, where communication will be direct and clear. Just watch out for any suspicious smooth talking and for God sakes, regardless of your gender identity, don’t be a mansplainer.

Here’s how each sign can best navigate the astro-weather this week:

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