Life Is Meaningless: Poll Finds Fox News Is the Most Trusted Network


The results of a new Quinnipac University poll are just the kind of thing you want to hear as election season ramps up: more U.S. voters said they trusted the news coverage provided by Fox News than NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC or CNN.

20 percent of U.S. voters said they trusted Fox News “a great deal,” while 35 percent said they trusted Fox “somewhat.” The responses re other networks, as per a press release:

NBC News – 14 percent “a great deal” and 46 percent “somewhat;”
ABC News – 14 percent “a great deal” and 50 percent “somewhat;”
CBS News – 14 percent “a great deal” and 50 percent “somewhat;”
MSNBC – 11 percent “a great deal” and 41 percent “somewhat;”
CNN – 18 percent “a great deal” and 43 percent “somewhat.”
The big winner is local television news, trusted by 19 percent of voters “a great deal” and by 52 percent “somewhat.”

Unsurprisingly, these numbers break down along party lines (58 percent of Republican voters said they trusted Fox the most, while 3 percent of Democrats said the same) and age lines (younger voters trust CNN more than Fox, while older voters said the opposite).

Quinnipac also asked whether Brian Williams should be allowed to come back to the Nightly News, and though many respondents said they thought network television news was “less trustworthy than in the days of Walter Cronkite,” plenty supported Williams returning. (Very few even knew about Bill O’Reilly’s similar issues with lying.) Lastly, when it comes to fake anchors, Tina Fey and Dennis Miller were the top choices to replace Jon Stewart at The Daily Show. Yeah, good luck with that.

Image via Fox News/Instagram

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