Lindsey Graham Makes Cool & Original Nancy Pelosi Plastic Surgery Joke


Yesterday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), possibly as part of a secret ongoing push to be named the next host of The Daily Show, made an incredibly clever and original joke about Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Graham had his star spangled boxer-briefs in a twist over what he perceived as Nancy Pelosi’s poor response to a speech by Benjamin Netanyahu (a politician who Israelis don’t like very much) before Congress (a legislative body that Americans don’t like very much). So, it makes sense that he’d polish off the truly fav-worthy jokes.

And he did, according to Bloomberg, in front of a “private fund raiser” that occurred post-speech.

[…] Republican Senator Lindsey Graham pointed to Pelosi’s behavior as evidence that a Republican majority is better for those who support Israel. “Did you see Nancy Pelosi on the floor. Complete disgust,” he said, according to one attendee. “If you can get through all the surgeries, there’s disgust.”

Hahahahahahaha hahohohohohoho heheheheheheh (wipes tears away from eyes) My god, Lindsey, you absolute card.

He later apologized for his remarks, calling them a bad attempt at humor. I guess you could say that, if you also are the sort of person who calls the Hindenburg a “bad attempt at Zeppelins.”

Making fun of Nancy Pelosi for maybe having plastic surgery is about as hacky as making fun of Lindsey Graham for having the first name of a cheerleader and the face of a weak-chinned stock photo lesbian. Be better, everybody. I’m already so bored.

Image via Getty.

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