Most Americans Strongly Support Legal Abortion For the First Time Ever


Happy 40th birthday, Roe v. Wade! Here’s your present: for the first time, the majority of Americans — 54% — think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

They’re not just pro-choice; they’re pro-action. Seven in ten respondents straight-up oppose Roe v. Wade being overturned; the highest percentage on this question since 1989; 57 percent of them feel “strongly.”

Republican pollster Bill McInturff called the change “profound” and said it was due to Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock and their fellow members of “Team Rape” who are unable to stop disseminating pearls of wisdom misogyny about rape-defying uteri and God-sanctioned sexual assault. Thanks to them — and to minorities and women without college degrees, to whom NBC/WSJ also attributes this year’s results — this is the first time since the poll was first asked in 2003 that a majority of people said abortion should be legal.

Now, only 34 percent of people want Roe v. Wade to be overturned. Let’s keep on moving on to the right side of history, folks.

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