Nightmare Vending Machines Will Use Facial Recognition


Eventually, it will be impossible for you to anonymously buy Fritos Twists without leaving a trail. The vending machines of the future are here and not only are they operated by your phone, but they also remember your face.

This sounds like a potential nightmare:

The machine would be able to determine demographic characteristics such as age and gender and display appropriate content.

So what if you’re 30 and the machine thinks you’re 40? And what if you really want some Cool Ranch Doritos and orange soda but the machine doesn’t think that’s “appropriate content” for your demographic, as a premature 40-year-old?

Also, since the brand of vending machines uses cloud technology, all of the machines are connected and will remember your face and base its display on previous purchases. So, for example, if you’re on a first date somewhere and you guys decide to get some snacks, the display could pop up with all your faves, like no frills party mix, Hot Cheetos and Hawaiian Punch. Your date will immediately see how unsophisticated your palate is and also question how much of a stoner you are.

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