Of Course Christina Hendricks Was Asked About Her Breasts Non-Stop During the Mad Men Era

Of Course Christina Hendricks Was Asked About Her Breasts Non-Stop During the Mad Men Era
Image:Jemal Countess (Getty Images)

I never watched Mad Men, a fact that surprises every dude who has ever bored me by blathering boringly about it. My reasoning was that if I wanted to wade through a bunch of racist, sexist bullshit to watch a terrible white dude be lionized for no real reason, I’d simply live in my day-to-day life.

But the clothes, people said! What about the clothes?

Well, according to a recent interview those charming little costumes earned Mad Men star Christina Hendricks endless questions about her breasts, namely what sort of undergarments she put them into while trying to do her job—a job she excelled at but interviewers refused to acknowledge, instead openly focusing on her underwear:

“There certainly was a time when we were very critically acclaimed, and getting a lot of attention for our very good work and our very hard work, and everyone just wanted to ask me about my bra again,” she explained to the outlet. “There are only two sentences to say about a bra.”

Two sentences is actually being generous. I have exactly no sentences to say about bras, mine nor anyone else’s. Wow, that brutally shitty, completely reductive to women Mad Men era sure was a long time ago, huh. Glad we all learned our lesson after that.

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