Once Upon a Time Is Really Getting Serious About the Frozen Crossover
LatestDon’t worry, I promise this post will not include any references to or videos of Let It Go. I will also refrain from making any corny “let it go” jokes. Moving on to the story.
ABC’s Once Upon a Time teased the appearance of Elsa during the season finale. Yes, as rumored, the show is planning to introduce more characters from the Disney mega blockbuster. Via E Online:
Once Upon a Time will also introduce Elsa’s sister Anna, voiced by Kristen Bell in the film, and Kristoff, voiced by Jonathan Groff in the movie.
From what we’ve heard, the characters won’t stray too far from their movie counterparts…aside from the whole animated thing. Elsa is afraid she’ll hurt the person she loves the most, her sister, after accidentally making eternal winter in Arendelle. Anna is described as impulsive and plucky and values her relationship with Anna above everything else. When we meet Kristoff, who fell in love with Anna in the movie, he’s now adjusting to life in Arendelle alongside Anna and Elsa. All characters are described as a large recurring part with various episode numbers for each.
Once Upon a Time co-creator Adam Horowitz said the show is not planning to redo the original storyline of Frozen. He did say the show is exploring the possibility getting Bell to appear on the show, which she has already kind of expressed an interest in. Why am I so excited about this? I am still two seasons behind on Once Upon a Time, so I wouldn’t be able to watch this until I got caught up anyway. But I won’t get caught up on that until I finish the new season of Orange is the New Black and after that I have Orphan Black to tackle. Sigh. Everyone, please stop making TV shows for awhile so I can get caught up; thank you.
Image via Disney Frozen Facebook