One Suspect in Boston Bombing is Dead, Another On the Loose


You probably woke up to a confusing onslaught of breaking news about the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects: Russian-born Chechen brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, who were living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 26-year-old Tamerlan (above) is dead after a police shootout; Deadspin put together a dossier culled from his YouTube videos (spoiler: his YouTube profile was dedicated to terrorism). The entire city of Boston and many surrounding suburbs are on lockdown while police search for his 19-year-old brother.

Here’s a timeline of last night’s events from NowThis News:

The brothers have lived in the US since childhood. Their uncle told CBS this morning that Tamerlan was a “loser” and that the two “do not deserve to exist on this Earth.”

Gawker will be updating throughout the day, but you can talk about what’s going on here, even if just to say “TGI-Fucking-F.”

(Image via Johannes Hirn)

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