Photoshopping Your Dating Profile Pictures Is Always a Bad Idea


Two weeks ago I learnt that some people hire professional writers to create their online dating profiles. Why do that? That would be almost like having your pictures photoshopped: Completely stupid. Unless you live in Russia, like these women.

I’m sure it happens everywhere, not only there.

While I can understand the desire to look pretty in a photo, the reality is still going to be there no matter how many gaussian filters and airbrushes you can apply to your image.

It’s like hiring someone to write a beautiful profile: The reality is always going to come through the next time you write a text message or an email, or just talk in real life.

In both cases it doesn’t make sense. If you are going to be liked by your future lover, you should be liked for what you are, not for what you would like to look or sound. And yes, that’s your free fortune cookie message for today. Your lucky numbers are 5, 12, 26, 33 and 54. [Vasi via English Russia]

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