Porn Films May Soon Require Condoms


A proposed California law designed to protect nurses and other health care workers from blood and bodily fluids may extend to adult entertainers, requiring condom use in scenes where performers would be at risk of contracting AIDS or other STI’s.

According to the New York Daily News,

The bill would also reiterate some of the basics of safe sex: condoms could not be reused, expired or worn with multiple partners, according to the proposal.
It would also require that performers not share razors and that sex toys must be kept clean.

Opponents of the measure claim that consumers of porn do so because they enjoy the fantasy of consequence-free sex, and thus condoms would totally ruin it and cause viewers to get their jollies elsewhere. They also point out that entertainers who perform in pornographic films are already required to undergo frequent testing and that outbreaks of disease are rare.

Even so, a positive HIV test late last year and an incident wherein several performers were infected in 2004 is cause enough for some to justify the new safety standards.

Porn Films Soon To Be Starring Condoms if California Health Officials Have Their Way

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