Reader Roundup: Breaking Up (And Losing) Is Hard To Do
LatestThe US Women’s soccer team played brilliantly in this year’s Women’s World Cup, until they faded at the very tail end of the championship game. By all accounts Our Ladies are handling the loss with grace and class, but is their good sportsmanship genuine? Commenter Clare116 suggests they should handle the loss with a bit more honesty and a lot more hilarious (and embarrassing) wallowing:
I would like them more if they showed up in old pajamas drinking box wine at 8 in the morning, like someone going through a bad break-up. “I feel so empty, Ann Curry. SO EMPTY! Hold on, I have to call Homare Sawa and hang up again. I’m pretty sure the nuclear blast gave her superpowers. Oh god, that’s a terrible thing to say about someone. What is wrong with me?”
I wonder who America’s guy friend is in this situation? You know, the really supportive one who calls you “hon” and comes over at 3 am when you’re all sad about the loss, even though you told him he didn’t have to come over in the middle of the night. The one who will listen to you yammer on and on and on about Japan’s new trophy and watch all of the Glee reruns with you. The one who, in two weeks, will try to make out with you and then get really offended when you’re not into him like that.
Probably Canada.
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