Regular Bedtimes Make Kids Less Shitty


No one wants to raise an asshole and according to a new study the key to that could be making your kid go to bed at the same time every night.

It’s often said that children thrive on routine, and that parenting philosophy is bolstered by new research, published in the journal Pediatrics, that finds that irregular bedtimes are linked to behavioral problems.

For the study, researchers interviewed mothers when their kids were 3, 5, and 7, asking about their bedtime schedules. The moms and the kids’ teachers also filled out questionnaires regarding behavioral difficulties. After controlling for “many social, economic and parental behavioral factors,” the researchers found that kids with a regular bedtime schedule had fewer behavioral problems. Additionally, they found that it didn’t matter what time they went to bed, as long as it was the same every night.

If you’re kid isn’t on a set schedule, don’t worry, you have time. Instituting a regular bedtime by the age of seven “had significant improvements in behavior scores.” After that you’re screwed. Kidding! But maybe you should look into taking this parenting thing a little more seriously.

Image via Geir Olav Lyngfjell/Shutterstock

Regular Bedtimes Tied to Better Behavior [NYT]

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