Betty White, Suze Orman and Martha as influential? Sure. I can even sorta see Sarah Palin. But Taylor Swift? The Apatows? Guiliana Ranic? Well, they were all at Time‘s “100 Most Influential” gala at NYC’s Rose Hall.
Author Chetan Bhagat and wife Anusha, looking appropriately influential. And can we talk about this gorgeously-toned sari?
Tracey Anderson looks pained – why?
Chen Shu-chu is a Tainwanese vegetable vendor who’s become renowned for her generosity. So glad she made the 100 – and in comfortable shoes, yet!
Betty White showed us how it was done: a glitzy jacket always says “ceremony.”
Martha was paying attention!
So was entrepreneur Kiran Mazumdar Shaw !
Designer Vivienne Tam obviously likes butterflies.
Rachael Ray in her signature “lady in red” glad-rags.
I’m kinda hoping Giuliana Rancic is not considered an influential figure nowadays. Although this could work as a good bridesmaid’s dress at an uber-WASPy Palm Beach wedding, no?
The young women of the world could have a worse influence than Taylor and her restrained LBD: it’s a serious occasion!
Donatella Versace keeps it klassy.
Is Suze Orman doing the ring-show? One way of conserving wealth, I guess.
The Mann-Apatows keep it simple.
As did the Moore-Kutchers.
Lea Michele? Not so much.
[Images via Getty.]