The Brock Turner Judge Has Already Been Fired From His New Tennis Coaching Gig
LatestFormer Brock Turner judge and newly-minted high school tennis coach Aaron Persky is going to have to find yet another new career: Immediately after it was reported that Persky had started his new life as a girl’s junior varsity tennis coach in San Jose, California, it appears that backlash from the community has led to his firing.
“Effective September 11, 2019, Mr. Persky’s employment with the District as the Junior Varsity Girls Tennis coach has ended,” Rachel Zlotziver, a spokesperson for the Fremont Union High School District, told HuffPost.
That was fast! Zlotziver added that the school district will recommence its search for a less controversial coach for its JV team, preferably one that doesn’t have a history of being recalled as a superior court judge after giving a rapist a gentle slap on the wrist. “Please know that we are deeply committed to maintaining an effective, safe, and positive environment for all students,” she said.
Persky infamously sentenced Turner to a short six months in prison after he was convicted of three counts of felony sexual assault, because, as Persky put it, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. I think he will not be a danger to others.”
Turns out that not adequately sentencing Turner is having a severe impact on Persky. Once word about his new gig was made public Monday night, a petition for his removal garnered over 3,000 signatures.
Among the points made in the petition arguing was that employing Persky sends a message that the school does not treat Turner’s victim, Chanel Miller, “or any survivor with the respect they deserve.”
“Survivors have to deal with trauma and a host of other issues for their whole life and Persky should have no place being the mandated reporter to our young girls,” it said.