This Man Thinks the 'Mentally Retarded' Would Gladly Work for $2/Hour


The discussions surrounding raising the minimum wage always bring out the best in people, don’t they? Take financial commentator Peter Schiff, for example. Sam Bee of The Daily Show sat down with him recently to discuss strikes amongst fast food workers and he brought up some very interesting (and compassionate!) points on why we should keep the minimum wage as low as possible. Stuff like do you really want to pay a little more for a burger so that an adult doesn’t have to work two jobs to support their family? and what would happen if we eliminated the minimum wage altogether?

Great things, it turns out! For example, by eliminating the minimum wage, “mentally retarded” people could work for $2 an hour. You know, WHAT THEIR LABOR IS WORTH.

Honestly, though? Peter Schiff is a dirt person.

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