This Trump Campaign Staffer Once Starred in a Bedazzler Commercial
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Since apparently Donald Trump refuses to disappear, here’s a little tidbit to take into Thursday’s GOP primary debate: The Iowa co-chair of Trump for President was a contestant on The Apprentice and also appeared in this truly amazing commercial for the Bedazzler.
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So says Mother Jones, after doing a little digging on Tana Goertz, who was hired back in July. She told the Des Moines Register: “I’ll keep volunteers motivated and be the hype girl before he speaks. I’ll be the person that fires up the crowd and educates Iowans on how great he is.”
The best part? This commercial post-dates her 2005 Apprentice turn, which means that it wasn’t actually made in the 1990s, but rather circa 2006. Guess infomercials are the only thing that age faster than bananas. When she isn’t advertising Bedazzlers or getting Iowans amped to Make America Great Again, Goertz also sells Trump-like aspiration:
On her website, Goertz also hawks a children’s book based on her own “inspirational tale” called I’m Bigger Than This; a gray t-shirt, with “ENTREPRENEUR 24/7 365” inscribed on it; an audio CD of business advice she recorded called “Fake it til you make it!”; and information about an Apprentice-like program she runs for kids called “Kids Apprentice Program.” The program is “designed to serve children who are self-motivated future leaders” by offering them boardroom experience and forcing them to do “Apprentice-like tasks.” For $50, you too could raise the next Donald Trump.
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