MTV’s award-winning documentary series True Life premiered nearly 21 years ago—it’s hard to fathom a world in which formative episodes like 2002’s “I’m Getting Plastic Surgery” and 2011’s “I Have A Hot Mom” do not exist—and to celebrate, the TV network is revamping the show. True Life becomes True Life/Now tonight, January 2 at 10 p.m., when the “reboot” examines a few young people obsessed with looking like the Kardashians.
New episodes will air every Wednesday, presumably tackling “millennial” issues like desiring to look like a Snapchat filter in real life.
It feels a little late in the game to tackle what has surely been a trend for a number of years now, but purposeful flops seem to be MTV’s style these days. Who could forget Claire Leeson, the 24-year-old “up to her eyeballs” in debt after spending over $30,000 in 2014 to look kind of sort of like her idol Kim Kardashian?
Watch the short teaser trailer above, in which a Brooklyn woman named Sherra gets lip injections and contemplates the $100,000 more she needs to throw down to finalize her Kardashian transformation. Please note that it looks, feels and sounds exactly like the original True Life series. Sometimes a new name is just that.