Velveeta's Social Media Accounts Are So Amazingly Weird


Whoever is running Velveeta’s social media accounts is going hard after the stoner millenial demographic lately. And it’s fantastic.

Yesterday, Uproxx noticed that Velveeta’s social media presence had “gone insane,” citing its recent penchant for featuring images of one particular silver fox stock photo model in various kooky Velveeeta photoshops. Velveeta and Silver Maned Velveeta Man in bed with wife. Velveeta and Silver Maned Velveeta Man making a Mother’s Day dip. Silver Maned Velveeta man getting a little vulnerable.

It got so silly that Silver Maned Velveeta Man’s real life wife began posting (good-naturedly) to the brand’s Facebook page. We’re happy to report that Silver Maned Velveeta Man loves both women and cheese.

But, as I looked into Velveeta’s recent weird renaissance, it seems that the cheese product’s marketing team has been aggressively weird for a long, long time, that Silver Maned Velveeta Man (which isn’t really his official name) is just the latest iteration in a long chain of weird. In fact, they’ve been posting bizarre stoner shit for about a year now, since right around Mother’s Day 2013 when the brand’s Facebook posts suddenly went from funny copy, semi-normal images:

To this cracked-out Black Hole Sun video weirdness.

Since then, it’s only gotten more and more delightfully tweaked out. They’ve drawn a cheese-drenched California. Sloppily photoshopped Velveeta into holiday-themed images. Drawn cheese ooze on hands of other stock photos. Advertised during March Madness with a half-basketball inscrutably filled with piping hot mac n cheese by a basketball player wearing a uniform of cheese.

Don’t even try to convince me that Velveeta isn’t a big player in the marijuana decriminalization lobby.

Velveeta is far from the only brand to go full fucking weird on the internet. Denny’s Tumblr is run by someone I’m lucky to know through Twitter, and it’s a bizarre, loopy delight. DiGiorno Pizza often Gets Weird. And — trust me on this one — following Tidy Cats on Twitter is one of the better decisions I’ve made recently. Weird Branding is now a thing, like Weird Twitter and Weird Tumblr and Weird Reality. God bless brands, amirite?

Of course, none of this changes the fact that Velveeta isn’t something I would normally put in my body, on account of the fact that growing up a 15 minute country drive from Burnett Dairy means that I spent my entire childhood unknowingly cultivating a snotty adult attitude about hard cheeses. Also, you know, it’s not very good for you.

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