"Voldemort Cat" Finds A Good Home, Despite Having No Ears


A cat in Britain is getting a happy ending despite his striking resemblance to one of literature’s scariest villains. Last week The Telegraph published a story about how Southampton’s Blue Cross Centre was having a hard time finding a home for Charlie, a 14-year-old cat, because his ears and nose were amputated to prevent his skin cancer from spreading.

Veteranarians hoped a Harry Potter fan would be interested in a “Voldemort cat,” and the plan worked. After his photo appeared in the media Charlie received dozens of adoption offers. However, the woman who reserved him first actually isn’t a fan of teen wizards. “They got on really well and we are now making the preparations for him to go home with her at the weekend,” said a spokesperson. “She is not a Harry Potter fan, she just heard of his plight for a nice, quiet home and she could offer him that.”

Pictures Of The Day: 11 February 2011 [The Telegraph via Urlesque]
Cat Feared Too Ugly To Be Rehomed Has New Family [Daily Echo]

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