It’s Tuesday, have you done your crying yet?
Here’s all the shit we couldn’t cover today:
- Republican Senator Mike Lee said Tuesday that, rather than the Green New Deal, the United States should address climate catastrophe with the “serious business of human flourishing,” which means “to fall in love, get married, and have some kids.” Behind him was a photo of some babies who will probably have to fight in water wars in their mid-thirties. [C-SPAN]
- The Trump administration is dramatically expanding its enforcement efforts around the Mexico City Policy, which bars funding any international organizations that provide or counsel on abortion services. “We will refuse to provide assistance to groups who provide funding to other groups” that provide abortion services or counseling, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday. “American taxpayer dollars will not be used to underwrite abortions.” It’s an obscene policy that has already caused mass suffering; now it will do more of that. [CNN]
- Just mute them and no one will know. [Washington Post]
- The Department of Defense is moving some money around to make way for the president’s racist wall. The Pentagon is going to have to rob racist Peter to pay racist Paul, I guess. [NPR]
- The crisis at the border continues. [CNN]
- This is a sobering thread on the Trump administration’s recent move to kill the Affordable Care Act. [New York Times]
- The Senate held a rare gun control hearing on Tuesday, where members of the Judiciary Committee discussed so-called red flag laws. I am not holding my breath. [CBS News]
Here are some tweets the president was allowed to publish:
This has been Barf Bag.
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